Dethatching–removing harmful plant residue–allows the lawn to breathe. We used this Greenworks Dethatcher, which is lightweight, controlled much like a push mower, and has glowing reviews on Amazon.
Snow falling in late March angers the people of the internet. They slander winter. They threaten Punxsutawney Phil. They bemoan a potentially ruined Easter. Relax. We at G@H recognize that you crave warmth. We do too. We yearn to open the windows and fire up the grill. Rather than give me the death penalty, let's hunt down @alroker and give that guy a spanking. — Punxsutawney Phil (@GroundhogPhil) March 22, 2013 Nevertheless, you must embrace opportunity wherever it arises, and a spring snow day presents splendid potential. If it were warm, outside duty would call. You would need to sow grass seed, till your garden or lay mulch. You would need to clean your garage or bag yard waste. Instead, you simply cannot. The weather has trapped you indoors where there is food, drink and the NCAA tournament. You have...
Punxsutawney Phil recently predicted an early spring, proving definitively that groundhogs make lousy meteorologists. March has arrived. Much of the nation is still coated in snow with no thaw in sight. Lucky, we at G@H have discovered the perfect remedy for cabin fever: fresh cut grass scented soap. It supplies all of the sensory satisfaction of yard work without having to pickup sticks. Other variations include baseball glove, bacon and chewing tobacco. We at G@H have not used this product and cannot speak to its quality or effectiveness