We garden. We grow vegetables and flowers. We cultivate them from seed and that fills us with pride and makes us feel mighty. Lately, a realization hit: we spend a remarkable sum of money on soil. That’s right, dirt. It shouldn’t cost that much. It’s everywhere. But the nutrient-rich earth that we rely upon to feed our leafy offspring is burning pocket holes. That ends this spring. We got a Mantis Easy Spin ComposTumbler. We’re DIYing our dirt. As our eggshells and banana peels and coffee grounds and carrot tops decompose, they will intermix with and enrich last year’s soil. We just bought some worms to facilitate the process. You can buy worms by the box on Amazon.com. The internet, man! Remember Back to the Future? Much like Doc Brown engineered that DeLorean DMC-12 to run on waste, our refuse...